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发布时间:2017-06-07  浏览次数:1868




1. Prof. Michal Walton: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure 

2. Prof. Fwa Tien Fang: Improved Design Framework for Asphalt Pavement Incorporating Functional Requirements 

3. Prof. William Buttlar: Advanced Testing, Modeling and Field Installation of Three Ground Tire Rubber Modified Asphalt Systems 

4. Prof. Zhanmin Zhang: An Innovative Approach to Resource Allocation for Infrastructure Management 

5. Prof. Richard Kim: Performance Tests and Models and Their Applications

6. Prof. NorbeDellate: Lessons Learned from Bridge Collapses in Service 

7. Prof. Jenny Liu: Recycling in Alaska Transportation Infrastructure 

8. Prof. Zhanping You: Simulation of Microscopic Structure and Mechanical Behaviors of Mixtures